Phase 1 is making a viable 1500 point army for the Game Castle summer league. I know I want devil dogs, and I know I want to use existing models that I have (a manticore, a couple of hydras, only 3 chimeras available), and I know I don't want to buy any valks. Using Stelek's principles of army building (and one of his lists as a basic template) here's version 1:
- CCS, 3 meltaguns, in a chimera with hull heavy flamer
(CCS gets meltaguns because of the BS4. Only three instead of four because of points--in the 1750+ version this is easily boosted to four.) - Infantry Platoon
-PCS, 3 flamers in a chimera, hull heavy flamer
-3 infantry squads, one with a commissar, sergeants with power weapons
(The blob, or in non-KP missions they can grab/hold objectives, bubble-wrap, or die gloriously for the clan and to save the emperor's tanks)
-2 Autocannon heavy weapon squads - Vet squad, 3 meltas, in a chimera
(not happy with this choice, but I need a second troop) - Marbo
- 5 stormtroopers w/ 2 plasma
(I'd prefer melta, but plasma is the models I have. These guys will be swapped out most likely in later weeks for the second devil dog, once I get the model. But I will still feel the need for some infiltrators.) - Devil Dog, dozer blade, hull heavy flamer
- Manticore, hull HF
- 2 Hydras, hull HF
- Basilisk, hull HF
Pictures coming soon.
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